
K-N9 Dog Training Workshops


6️⃣X Handlers and Dogs in each Group

⏱Time: 9am – 4pm (approx.)

📢Program: (example)
⚪️Session 1: 9am – 10.15am
Morning Tea: 10.15am – 10.45am
⚪️Session 2: 10.45am – 12noon
Lunch: 12noon – 1pm
⚪️Session 3: 1pm – 2.15pm
Afternoon Tea: 2.15pm – 2.45pm
⚪️Session 4: 2.45pm – 4pm

🟣Obedience, Rally Obedience, Clicker Training, Free Shaping and Pattern Games!
🔵Absolute Dogs – Pro Dog Games!
🔴Dog Fitness!
🟢Agility Foundations!

***ALL AGES and All LEVELS***

Lucky Door Prizes.
Everyone who attends on the day receives a K-N9 Dog Training Show Bag filled with goodies from our Sponsors.

📷Photographer on the day

Working Spots and Auditing Spots available

Morning and Afternoon Tea provided.
BYO Lunch.

🌈 Rainbow Dog Tugs Stall Stall