Nosework (aka Scent Work or Scent Detection) and Scent Games is a Dog Sport created to mimic professional detection dog searching. One dog and one handler form a team. The dogs must find a hidden target odor, often ignoring distractors (such as food or toys), and alert the handler. After the dog finds the odor they are rewarded with food or a toy.
Nosework is the latest sensation to hit Australian canine sport, created to imitate professional detection dog’s at work. One dog and one handler form a team. The dog must find a hidden target odor (food, toy, essential oil) – anything really… You name it, your dog will find it, whilst ignoring their surrounding environment (obstacle courses) and alert the handler of their “find”. After the dog finds the odour they are positively rewarded with food or a toy, just like a “Jack Pot”.
Nosework does not discriminate against canines with disabilities or behaviour problems, hence anyone can have a go!
Recent anecdotal evidence suggests Nosework has helped dogs with behaviour problems. Dogs, (through no fault of their own), with a fear of humans can be rewarded in a safe, working environment with people close by. Not one dog ever interacts with another. In Nosework, dogs are worked one at a time, to be able to have fun without the fear of other dogs in close proximity.
It’s also proven that mental stimulation will tire your dog 3 times more than general exercise.
Allow your dog to see the world via its nose and reap the rewards!
Your dog is already on the scent, what are you waiting for…
Let’s Go Sniffing!