Terms & Conditions

By proceeding with their enrollment, the client agrees to the following terms and


The client agrees to adhere to our ground rules and safety policies at all times, and
to ensure that any other persons that they bring to class, including children, do so as


The client acknowledges that classes may be postponed in the event of heavy rain,
storms, extreme winds, extreme heat, or other unsafe weather conditions as
determined by K-N9 Dog Training. Class may also be postponed in the event that
the instructor is too ill to teach, and a replacement cannot be found.
Other circumstances may also result in classes being postponed, including but not
limited to school events and public holidays. Whenever a class is cancelled, classes
will resume the following week (circumstances permitting) and run for an extra week
at the end of the course to make up for the missed session. Clients will be notified
by Email and SMS and Facebook messenger with as much notice as possible in the
event of a postponement.
No refund will be offered in the event of a change in schedule.


The client must give 7 days’ notice in writing prior to their course start date in order
to receive a refund. Refunds will not be issued if the client withdraws from a course
after it has commenced.
Refunds will not be issued if the client is unable to attend any section of their course,
but wherever possible we will attempt to arrange a catch up session to be attended
within the following month/course program.


The client acknowledges that their attendance at K-N9 Dog Training group classes
or private sessions may result in serious injury or even death to dogs and/or people.
They are voluntarily attending this activity with knowledge of the danger involved,
and agree to assume any and all risks of bodily injury, death or property damage,
whether those risks are known or unknown.
This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown,
unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability and
the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed and known to exist. The
provisions of any state, federal, local or territorial law or state providing substance
that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries, or damages which are
known or unsuspected to exist at this time, to the person executing such release,
and are hereby expressly waived.
The client acknowledges that dog training classes and/or private consultations are
inherently dangerous activities, during which injury or harm may occur to dogs
and/or persons. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicular accidents, trips and
falls, contagious illnesses, and injury resulting from the action of dogs or people
such as bites, scratches, being knocked over or stepped on etc.
The client is responsible for the actions of their dog(s) at all times, and any financial
or moral ramifications of their dog(s)’ actions.
The client will make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and
as explained to them verbally. They will ask for clarification when needed.


The client agrees that any photos taken of their dog(s) while attending group
activities or private training may be used in marketing or promotional material, or for
any other reason, by the photographer and K-N9 Dog Training