New to the sport of Obedience?
Are you ready to take the next step? Learn how to train your dog for the fun and skill of Obedience trialing.
From training the basics, enrolling with Dogs NSW, entering the trial ring and what to do when you get there.
As current triallers and Instructors we have plenty of experience and knowledge to impart and love watching a team work together.
Rally Obedience Training:
Starting at Novice, learning the signs… What’s required from you?
Practicing the Rally-O stations with your dog.
It’s great fun for you both, praising and communicating with your friend and enjoying working the stations together as a team.
This sport continues further with your dog working off-leash in Advanced, Excellent, Rally Advanced/Excellent, Masters and the finale, Championship.
Interpretation of signs and rules included, dependent on level of experience.